Since November, I have been standing on the street corner every day holding up a sign that says "I will work for free".
Ok, not literally but I felt like I was because I was working at an internship and I
received 6 credit hours at
asu, got great training, made great friends, fell in love (with the non-profit world, not a man...), but never got a single pay check. I wasn't bitter about it, it was just hard, 5 months without any income (need I say, I have more debt than I did 5 months ago...).
When I saw a letter from my new job on the counter, I had no idea what to expect. But when I opened it, to my
surprise, there was a CHECK!!! Yes I knew this was a job and I would be getting paid, but I had gotten so used to working and not getting paid, that I forgot the thrill of actually getting one.
So, my
Saturday steal was a steal indeed! A paycheck. I got paid for something that I had been doing the last 5 months for free!!!
YAY payroll!
MONEY!!! You better believe I tried to Zoom in an see how much it was for! :)
Thanks so much for participating.
Yay! Paycheck! For WORK! So happy for you :o)
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